Reading comments online, and watching the debate on television, I was amused at how leftists suddenly become very libertarian in their thinking when someone they disagree with is fired from a private company. I read and heard comments from leftists-turned-libertarian like:
- This is not a first amendment issue. Phil has a right to say whatever he wants.
- A&E is a private company, and they can hire and fire whoever and however they choose.
- A&E made a business decision.
- This is a private contract, and is solely between Phil and A&E.
- Phil is guaranteed the right to say whatever he wants. He's just not guaranteed a job.
- GLAAD has a right to boycott. It's the free market at work.
It also amused me at how leftists suddenly became authorities on the Christian religion, proclaiming that the comments were "Ant-American and Anti-Christian." I don't know if they've ever read the Bible, but it's pretty clear what it says about homosexuality. I am not a Christian, and that is not what this post is about, but I thought it was worth mentioning that alongside a sudden streak of libertarian-ism, these leftists also suddenly started claiming biblical and christian authority.
The frustration for me in watching all this was that libertarians allowed them to make these libertarian arguments without retort, and all but joined with them and agreed with them!
Fellow liberty lovers and Black Brigadiers - we need to get more practical and tactical here.
Do you honestly believe that if the roles and personalities were reversed - if it was a leftist making anti-american comments, or anti-white, or anti-christian - and they were fired from a private company, that the same arguments would be made? Of course not! Do you remember the Dixie Chicks controversy? Or how about recent news where a wedding photographer could not refuse a gay client, and was forced by the state to photograph the wedding? Or Obamacare requiring religious organizers to provide and pay for contraception services? In the case where one of their own is on the chopping block, it suddenly would be a first amendment issue, the private company could not fire someone based on their political or religious beliefs, it's a civil rights issue, it's hatred, a boycott is un-american, etc.
Leftists are not honest brokers. With them, the ends justify the means. They don't believe in the libertarian principles and arguments they make from time to time, they are just using them to further their insidious goals. Once they are no longer useful, just like the people they use, they will be discarded and tossed aside without a second's thought.
The whole notion of private property rights was settled long ago with the Civil Rights Act. If a private business cannot choose who they wish to associate with, and they are forced to make "public accommodations" for everyone regardless of race, creed, disability, or gender, then there are no private property rights. We must play by the rules they have made and values they champion - rules and values they have codified into law.
The fact is, under their sacrosanct Civil Rights Act, A&E could not fire Phil based on his religious views. This is religious discrimination. A&E under the Civil Rights Act does not have a right to hire and fire whoever they want, for whatever reasons they want.
It is so frustrating to see libertarians, in their quest for purity and consistency, giving aid and comfort to the enemies of liberty. They are not your friends. They will not suddenly see the light. They will never become libertarians and consistently apply libertarian principles.
Your retort should be: "Are you saying we should abolish certain sections of the Civil Rights Act of 1964?" And then destroy them utterly, because they will have nowhere to hide. They will be exposed for the frauds they are.
Your retort should be: "Are you saying we should abolish certain sections of the Civil Rights Act of 1964?" And then destroy them utterly, because they will have nowhere to hide. They will be exposed for the frauds they are.
I understand the desire to be consistent and principled, but we need to be more practical and tactical. When leftists suddenly start making libertarian arguments, your Spidey-senses should start tingling. Use the opportunity to attack. Use their own principles and beliefs against them. Discredit and destroy them.
You'd think I'd embed the great Led Zeppelin, but no: