Thursday, June 5, 2014

Deserter Bergdahl, r>g, Negative Interest Rates, and PUA Putin

June 05, 2014 Black Brigade Debrief Podcast, where DT and The Man discuss kid freedom, the deserter Bergdahl and POW swap controversy, the Frenchie economist concerned about inequality, and a Lightning Round that includes everything from negative interest rates to Vladimir Putin negging like a PUA.

Listen to Podcast.


  1. If the central bank has a -0.1% deposit rate, they will pass this on.

    People will either buy precious metal, or they will withdraw nearly 100%, and put it in a mattress. In order to give everyone a Cypress-style haircut, they need to limit withdraws. Smart people will get their cash out before June 11th.


  2. Oh, and I don't carry a debt. When Bush gave everyone free cash, I spent it on a Broomhandle Mauser, and a 40 oz bottle of malt liquor.

  3. This is a great way to spend your cash and government refund (of your money)! Most Americans turned that money towards reducing their debt.

    I firmly believe in eliminating your debt load. Carry none! That is the mark of a slave, and the machine loves people in debt. It limits your moves and freedoms. I remember talking with a career railroader outside a yard office one day. We were looking over a string of new cars and trucks in the parking lot. He laughed when I mentioned them, and he said matter-of-factly that railroading was a hard life, and many of the new employees drop out, even though the salaries paid by the railroads is high. However, once these new workers get those first paychecks and buy a new vehicle, the railroad knows they got these employees for a long while. Many railroaders stay for 20-30-40 years. It is really hard for people to pay off those loans and walk away from a high paying job.

    This truth has been repeated in other industries like the Paper Industry. Paper mills are located in rural areas, near rivers and forests. The workers are paid a high wage, and they tend to stay for their entire career. In fact, it is not unusual for whole generations to stay working at these plants (and the railroads for matter).

    Once these heavy industries die, the ripples are felt in the whole community and whole region. There are few supporting industries or commercial businesses that can absorb these high wages, and the resulting "depression" can kill a whole community.

    1. The remaining paper mills are pretty stable now.

      Like the toilet paper mill in Camas, WA, they just get sold, lock, stock, barrel, and employees to whoever currently has a lot of pulpwood to harvest.

  4. Of all the times to loosen the boarder... Most of the people coming over is not because for work (the economy is too crappy for that), but to get away from the drug violence. Usually they, or someone in their family has a hit out on them. This is going to move the cartel drug war deep into the USA.

    Also, I don't think there is any plans or conspiracy to destroy. There is no conspiracy, only the stupidity of SWPLs who have a lot of brains, filled with bad information and bad pathways. We have a defective elite who are completely disconnected from reality. The democratic party looks like a rainbow tent, but every issue they push is in the interest of upper class SWPLs, who work for big government or big corporations. The only time the other shades' agendas get the spotlight, is when their interests intersect with the SWPL overlords.

    1. They are entering for the free welfare ride. Jeff Berwick, at Dollar Vigilante talked to a lot of working Mexicans who returned to the Acapulco area, and found that most leff because the jobs were drying up, and the US was turning into a police state.

      The only really dangerous areas in Mexico are the border states, where the police, military, and drug gangs are killing each other to determine who controls the drug trade. The rest of Mexico is fairly safe, and people there do not get a lot of crap from the cops.

    2. The recent influx of children are from central america, apparently. For the non-children, they just can't load them up on a bus, because they are illegal in mexico too. So, it bogs down the system getting them on a plane. Cloward-Piven at work. Just posted to DTU a story about military bases being converted into refugee camps.

  5. Welcome to FEMA Camps! Fascinating thing is, those Camps are not just located in border states like Texas and Arizona. We are flying illegals to other states and housing them there before release. See the story here:

    But don't worry, VP Biden says we need a "constant unrelenting stream" of immigrant workers and everything is going to be ok. Growth comes from the number of workers, apparently. I suppose adding more mouths to feed will add to the demand for food; however, the level of skills and education, not to mention the need for subsidies in the form of food stamps and other assistance will overwhelm the system. That is when all hell will break loose.

  6. Of course, these statements don't jive with reality (which they never do with this Administration and politicians in DC). From the tail end of the article:

    His comments come as border patrol agents are appealing to the federal government to help with the thousands of illegal children who have poured across the border in recent days and who are now being temporarily held in three separate military facilities.

    "Meanwhile, federal authorities have predicted that the number of children illegally crossing the border without parents this year will hit at 90,000 — up from an average 6,500 over years past."

    Those are INSANE numbers! 90,000 >> 6,500 children per year (even with a Common Core educations)

  7. But...but...who will pay for the roads?

    Escape from Detroit becomes a reality, DT.
