Monday, August 18, 2014

Nightcap #7: All About the Unicorn

August 18, 2014 Nightcap where DT discusses how a society obsessed about race and racial preference programs have affected him personally and perhaps society as a whole.

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  1. I've more or less 'dropped out', so called. I don't like that term but it's the quickest way to get my point across. I live overseas. I was a scholarship winner, Phi Beta Kappa Honors graduate and a published novelist. So I'm no idiot. But I pretty much never considered living in the US for a lot of the reasons you touch on. Yes, it's all about the unicorns and the degeneracy and criminality that they have glamorized. I was always a decent, nice person (I know, GROSS, GROSS, GROSS) and the rampant idolization of unicorn criminality has placed immense pressure on non-unicorns to nurture and flaunt their own degeneracy. It all just left me out in the cold, I could tell early on. Being a clean cut, polite, modest, short-haired, non-tattoed, well-dressed, mature white male means you will be absolutely lampooned both by pop culture and on an individual basis. So...buh-bye. I'm coming up on twenty years of living overseas. I come home every year and a half or so and have to be reminded that I'm a low status loser as a non-tattoed white male. It catches me off guard every time. Like, "Oh, yeah. I'm a loser here. I guess I forgot." This happens after a stint overseas in which I live well, enjoy life, work six days a week, lift and read over a 100 books a year (no lie) and generally take pride in how I live, how I think, how I improve myself. Then back home, where the dismissiveness and often downright disrespect hits me like a sledgehammer in the first week or so. If I flaunted some degeneracy creds I would be so much more highly regarded, dateable etc. It sounds like a whine, I'm sure, but it's really not. Just my reality. So it goes beyond unicorns and how much their narrative has overtaken our country. It extends into the pointlessness of being non-unicornesque. It is that pervasive. Go to an agro-suburban neighborhood somewhere near a decent sized city and notice how desperately the white boys are trying to evade being recognized as normal suburban dudes. Tats, wraparound shades, bling, hip-hop thumping cars, shaved heads, horrid dress, swagger, slang, EVERY TIME. ALL OF THEM. All to say "I'm not a normal white guy. Not me!" If you're just incapable of playing that caliber of Halloween dress-up on a daily basis then you have two options;

    -Become a multi-millionaire

    1. Awesome comment. Glad you're a success! Returning overseas may be in the cards in the future.
