Thursday, April 24, 2014

From the Mind of The Man: More on "Have We Lost the War Already?"

The more I am starting to believe we are merely going down a slow death spiral....and I conclude we have truly lost the war already.  The more I look around, the more lunacy I see.  The lunacy is never challenged by our side, and there is no emotion, pushback or protest from our "allies".  Are we winning?  No, we are in full retreat and losing ground by miles each day, not mere inches.  The traditional ways are over, and it is time for some new tactics.

How do I know?  I took 20 minutes to find these examples, and it is right out there in the open for all to see.....

Example: Lies contort themselves into policy decisions.  We know, because we have been paying attention, that "deportations" mean illegals merely crossing the border.  Relaxing "deportations" means that ICE and Border Patrol will turn into social justice agents, giving illegals food and water and letting them pass into our country.  Floodgates will be open, and the Dems will get them amnesty and voting rights before you know it.

Example: We don't need to go all the way to Socialism, just so darn close it is Socialism.  You don't help one class of people by pulling the other classes down, but this Frenchie doesn't understand that BASIC principle.  Sure, taxing all the billionaires sounds like a GREAT idea to brain dead zombies, but we know that they will never stop at just the billionaires.  There aren't enough of them to make an impact.  This is pandering to the brain dead zombies, politicians and acadmanians, but it will get traction since they all feel the same way.  Envy is an ugly thing....

Follow-up: With the elites celebrating the Frenchy's work above, they are now beginning to advocate for a maximum wage.  Isn't that special?  Is that what our founders intended?

Example: Columbus was a racist conqueror.  Everyone knows that, so we need to follow the example of the City of Berkley, California.  Crime, potholes, debt, failing infastructure, congestion....those are minor issues compared to this.

Finally, Breaking News: The Culture War is Over, and Conservatives have Lost.  This is a damning article that summarizes something that all of us can agree on and something I talked about last week.  We have lost the culture, and consequently, the work of a legion of Progressives in agencies, schools, colleges, media, Hollywood, non-profits, advocates and activists is bearing fruit.  The last paragraph of the article is correct:

"Conservatives have largely lost the culture, and it can't be won back by passing some landmark piece of legislation. Instead, it's going to be a long, hard slog. The good news is that, though conservatives typically hate the term "reactionary," most conservative victory is first predicated on liberal overreach.  

It may be that if things get bad enough, America will finally start looking inward."

My God.....I had never contemplated that it couldn't be won....that we never had a chance.  I think it is time to retool my thinking on the current status of life in modern day America and develop a new plan of attack.

4 articles on YahooNews alone about the Bundy thing.  Amazing.  The MSM and Machine just sighed a huge relief.  Bundy and the Liberty Movement/Militias can be painted as the MSM and Machine have wanted to paint them: gun-toting Racist hicks on welfare that are breaking the law.

It just sucks that all of the momentum from last weekend got blown away by Bundy's comments.  Just really a stupid thing....made it WAY to easy for the zombie horde to swarm on the red meat.

Linkage to just YahooNews articles:

Breaking News on Bundy's Comments

Jon Stewart punishing Hannity for Bundy support

Black List of Bundy Supporters

These are all trending on YahooNews above the fold (no need to move the screen to see them).

Are we winning yet?  #notwinning

The Man


  1. As entertaining as "Enjoy the Decline" is, we really didn't want to believe that the Ol' Captain was right. But it does seem that this is pretty much it. Whether we go into a tailspin or a long slow torturous decline is up for grabs, but I think the dice have been cast. The most interesting part to me will be to see how the takers react as the number of producers continues to decline. Will they suddenly see the light, or will they turn on each other like starving hyenas flashing their Victim Status Cards at each other?

    1. I see cannibalism figuratively as assured, and literally a possibility.
